Today dad is off from work, so we packed up the kids and took them to lama island. At the last minute uncle kit decided to come with as well, it's always fun to have uncle kit along, he has really cool information to share about everything and makes the adventures feel more grounded.

Llama island is a tiny little island off the south east coast of the hong kong island. It has a big power plant that helps power hong kong, but is otherwise severely rural. There are still fish farms in one of the harbor, and people that live on boats. We had dim sum when we first arrived on the ferry pier, and then walked all the way from one side of the island to the other, where we took a ferry home. The walk was nice because there are no cars on the island, and the path takes you right across the ridge of the islands mountain, so you get an awesome view of the harbor. The walk also takes you through some more shaded forests, where some HUGE spiders live. The girls were totally freaking out and covering there heads, cowering from the obviously stationary, though admitadly large (about the 6", or the size of a hand with thumb and pinky extended) bugs.
Afterward, we went to a shanghainese restaurant in causeway bay, it was so yummy.
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